“Having worked with Trevor now for over 10 years his background knowledge and creative flair has proven to be of great benefit to Explore on a number of occasions. Over the years he has been responsible for writing a large proportion of our trip dossiers, as well as providing essential support and expertise on a number of operational projects worldwide.”
- John Telfer: Operations Director, ExploreWith a creative background in design and print and a history in operational management worldwide, I have been putting my operational and logistical skills to good use for nearly three decades. Based on the rugged west coast of the beautiful Isle of Man I have travelled across six of the world’s seven continents; leading expeditions to the base of Everest and to the summits of Mount Kenya and Kilimanjaro, as well as helping to set up and manage relief projects from the Indian Subcontinent to Latin America.
Over the years I have honed my organisational skills in some of the most culturally and visually diverse landscapes on the planet, providing support, expertise and creative input for volunteer groups, media projects and adventure travel companies worldwide. In recent years I have found immense satisfaction in adapting these skills to focus on domestic challenges too, acquiring an accreditation as a certified guide here on the Isle of Man and enjoying great success collaborating with UK tour companies, cruise ship operators and private clients in organising and running excursions around the island.